Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Upcoming Movies

So, I'm on IMDB.com almost everyday checking out new movies that are coming out soon. Here are a few I'm excited about and why... Okay, so I did have the trailers posted for you to watch here BUT then I got all (probably needlessly) paranoid about copyright laws, so I'm posting links to where you can watch the trailers instead.


This is the trailer I just watched today for a movie called "Super 8," which comes out on 10 June. They give you hardly any information in any of the three different trailers I watched, which I'm going to assume is a good sign. What little information I did gather is: it's about aliens or some type of weird creature(s) that attack when their train derails that is taking them to a "secure facility in Ohio." From the trailer, this movie has potential to be really good. Case and point: produce Steven Spielberg and director J. J. Abrams. Pretty much everything these guys touch is great and does well. As long as Abrams learned from Shyamalan's mistake in "Signs" and doesn't show us what is actually so scary, this movie could be good. "Signs" was MUCH scarier when we didn't know what we were afraid of. But honestly, I'm mostly behind this movie solely because of J. J. Abrams. LOST is a great show and Fringe is even better - two TV series I love that J. J. Abrams created.


The above trailer is for "X-Men First Class." Yeah, X-Men movies rock. Plus I'm pretty excited to see James McAvoy in this type of role. I never saw "Wanted" so this will be my first time watching him in an action type role. What's also great - I'll be in the States soon after this movie comes out, which means I'll be able to see this one on the big screen as it's meant to be seen!


A trailer for the movie "Submarine" that comes out on 3 June. This movie looks cute, sweet, and quirky. My life could benefit from more of all those things.

Okay, I don't have a trailer for the last movie - because they haven't made one yet. The movie is called "Drive" that comes out in September and you can read about it here... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0780504/ Pretty much all I need to know about this movie is that it stars Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan. I've seen Gosling in several movies - three of which I've rated on this site - so you already know of my love for Gosling. I first saw Carey Mulligan in "An Education," which is an off-beat movie I recommend. For the record, I'd give it a 7 out of 10 and Bottom Line: I'd pay $10 at the theater to see that one. So, I'm pumped to see Gosling and Mulligan in action roles.

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