Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Vow

Okay, this movie The Vow doesn't come out until Valentine's Day 2012 so it's beyond me why they are releasing a trailer SO early - but the sap inside me can't wait to absolutely love this movie.


Watch the trailer.

I love watching Rachel McAdams and crying through The Notebook. I love watching Channing Tatum and crying through Dear John. Hopefully this movie will be the best of both those movies put together.

Finally a reason to look forward to Valentine's Day!

X-Men: First Class

X-Men: First Class - 2011 - James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Kevin Bacon

My Rating: 7.5 out of 10

Summary from IMDB: In 1962, Charles Xavier starts up a school and later a team, for humans with superhuman abilities. Among them is Erik Lensherr, his best friend... and future archenemy.

My Review: Great, great summer movie. With each new installment in this franchise, I feel like the movies are getting less campy and much smarter (with the exception of the flying stripper in this movie - more on her later). I remember watching the first X-Men movies and thinking, "Yep, I'm watching a movie about a comic book." Then with Wolverine and First Class, these are human stories and the humans just happen to be mutants with super-human abilities. I love that the extra abilities remain (obviously) a very prominent fixture in the movie but also manage to not overshadow the underlying storyline. Granted, I know very, very little about the Cuban missile crisis but you don't need to be a history buff to follow what happens in this movie - plus, I'm sure they've taken several artistic liberties and I'd rather not know the history they messed with. Nevertheless, this movie is better because it ensconces itself within a real framework. James McAvoy is wonderful to watch as a young Xavier as he mixes the right amount of superhero with encouraging and leading teacher for the younger mutants. (Even if I did find myself briefly distracted thinking, "Whoa, he's short.") Lawrence was less impressive as a young Mystique but the brief cameo by Rebecca Romijn was excellent. Speaking of cameos - Hugh Jackman has a great one as well. One other negative note is the stripper turned flying, fireball spitting, butterfly. She was ridiculous - edit her character out please. Throw in January Jones' character for good measure - I didn't care for her either. But in addition to the surprise cameos, somehow I missed the fact that Kevin Bacon is in this movie - ridiculously amazing surprise! I loved watching him in this kind of, summer blockbuster role - he was perfect. All in all, I love where this franchise is going and I hope to see much more of it in the future.

Bottom Line: I'd pay $10 at the theater to see this one. And I will when I get back to the States!